Create Portfolio Website in a Flash!

Create a stunning portfolio website in minutes and share your projects, experiences and skills with the industry leaders, clients or collaborators.

Why use GuinPen?

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Create a Portfolio in a Flash

Why develop a portfolio yourself? At GuinPen, simply enter your information (experiences, projects, skills, etc.), and BOOM — your live portfolio website is ready! Anyone can access your portfolio website through the live URL.

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Stunning UI and Animation

Make a lasting impression on industry leaders, clients, or collaborators with your stunning portfolio website. If your portfolio looks unappealing, nobody will bother to look at it!

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Various Sections to Display

There are various sections you can choose to display on your portfolio website. These include experiences, projects, skills, get-in-touch, services offered, GitHub repos, and much more!

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Color Theme and Layout Customization

Don't like the current color theme or portfolio layout? Fear not! There will be a lot of color themes and layouts for you to choose from. You can even set the color theme yourself!

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Update Your Information with Ease

You can always update your information on GuinPen. Just open the form, update your details, and click save. Easy peasy!

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Responsive Design

The portfolio website is responsive on any device. It guarantees a good appearance on screens of various sizes.

Don't Miss Out; Join the Waitlist Now!

GuinPen is in the development phase. Join the waitlist today to stay informed about our progress and gain access to exclusive beta testing opportunities.